Pioneer Online Community Platform

Welcome to the Pioneer Online Community Platform

This community platform is for Healthcare Professionals, who have embarked upon our clinical pioneering journey to use our innovative Advanced Energy devices. On this community platform you can collaborate with peers to share, discuss, discover, and develop new approaches using Creo Medical's Advanced Energy, to support your learning journey as you progress through the Pioneer Programme and beyond. To get started, sign in or register below using the instructions provided.

Getting Started

Register for the Pioneer Online Community

  1. Click the button below.
  2. You will be redirected to a new web page, click 'sign up'.
  3. You will then see a form as shown on the right.
  4. Enter your Email Address and Password, then click the 'send verification button'.
  5. Check your mailbox (junk folder if you don't receive to your inbox) get the code and enter it into the box on the web page.
  6. Then continue setting up your account by completing the rest of the fields on the web page and then click the 'create' button.

NB: Once you've registered, a Community Manager will check and approve your account, until then you can login into the platform but you will only be able to access the homepage. You will recveive a follow up email once your access has been granted to the full platform.

Register here

Sign into the Pioneer Online Community

  1. In your web browser, click the button below
  2. You will be redirected to a Sign-In page where you’ll see the form shown on the left
  3. Enter your Email Address and Password,
  4. Then click the Sign in button.
Sign in here
Download our app - stay connected on the go!

The Pioneer Online Community can be accessed on your mobile device, meaning you can stay connected with your peers wherever you are! To download the app, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your apple app store or Google play store and type in “Community Connected” App.
  2. Download the app.
  3. Enter as the domain when asked.
  4. Sign in if you already have an account (follow above instructions).
  5. Click “New User – Register Now” if you need to set up an account (follow above instructions).

If you require any further assistance on using our online community platform, please fill in the form below and we'll get in touch