Welcome to our investors centre, where you can find official investor focused news, reports and presentations as well as informtion on the markets we address, our company strategy and leadership team. At Creo Medical, we are dedicated to improving patient outcomes by applying Advanced Energy to the emerging field of surgical endoscopy, and our focus is to address significant markets where we can contribute products that make a difference to the lives of patients and serve poorly met needs.
We focus on significant markets where we can bring products to market that serve poorly met needs.
Our Market Focus:
For the dissection, resection, ablation and haemostasis of diseased GI tissue.
Soft tissue Microwave ablation devices for ablationof tumours in a wide range of tissue types in the lung, stomach, oesophagus and colon.
Our unique IP portfolio has a clear potential to meet needs in several additional lucrative markets in robotics and beyond.
Comprehensive line of Urodynamics equipment to treat conditions such as bladder cancer and incontinence.