Pioneer Clinical Education Programme

Our dedication to improve patient outcomes using Advanced Energy includes substantial investment in Healthcare Professional (HCP) education, training, development, and support.

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An introduction to the Pioneer Clinical Education Programme

Pioneer Clinical Education Programme

Our Pioneer Clinical Education Programme is designed to provide comprehensive product and procedure training. Watch our introduction video to learn more on what it means to become a Creo Pioneer.

Why join a Creo Pioneer Clinical Education Programme?

  • Personalised approach to your training journey
  • Training provided by a Health Care Professional Expert (HCPE) in their field
  • Small group courses to ensure training delivery reflects your prior experience and skills
  • Immersive integrated experiential & didactic learning
  • Access to one-to-one HCPE Mentorship
  • Extensive support provided to wider clinical team, inclusive of those assisting with procedures
  • Become part of a user community to exchange ideas and enhance your learning journey
Personalised approach
Experiential & didactic learning
Centre of Excellence
Advanced User Forum

Approach to definitive training journey driven by experienced KOL trainers

a. Advanced energy modalities explained
b. Technique orientation
c. Technique adoption

Ability to share knowledge and observe expert cases

Mentorship for both doctor and hospital teams from experts and clinical educators

Access to advanced user community

“To be able to sit the device on the muscle bed, and safely and securely coagulate vessels and tissue without causing injury or tissue damage was the wow factor as to why I want to use this product”

Dr. Eduardo Albeniz
Endoscopy Unit at Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra

“I have been using monopolar energy for many years, I am still worried about getting close to the muscle bed, but with this device I no longer have that concern. The safety profile and localised delivery gives me the confidence to get closer to the muscle bed for a deeper dissection”

Dr. Regi George
Royal Oldham Hospital

“Initial impressions of the Speedboat Inject device are that it is an innovative product that will make procedures easier, provide shorter procedure times and be safer for patients”

Prof. Pradermchai Kongkam
King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital

Speedboat Learning Pathway

As part of our Pioneer Clinical Education Programme, we enable physicians, surgeons and their assistants to learn more about the first CE Mark and FDA cleared Advanced Energy instrument designed for use in flexible endoscopy.

The learning pathway is designed to provide comprehensive product and procedure training. Our initial ex-vivo workshop is led by a Speedboat™ HCPE, supported by a team of Clinical Nurse Advisors.

The workshop is followed by a comprehensive two-day training course in a small group (with nursing assistants) and focused on educational sessions, ex-vivo and in-vivo training which allows for a fully immersive training experience. All attendees are offered a mentorship programme, which provides one-to-one guidance and support from a Speedboat HCPE and our clinical nurse team. The safety features of Speedboat together with our comprehensive learning programme removes the need for long residential placements and has been shown to result in a consistent, repeatable programme with predictable results.

What does this mean for the physician or surgeon?

Our laboratory learning events include a mixture of HCPE-led didactic lectures and case-oriented hands-on learning, completing a minimum of ten demonstration cases over the course of the event. We also focus on patient/polyp selection and mastering the Digestive Endoscopic Tunnelling Technique (DETT).

Personalised Healthcare Professional Expert (HCPE) mentoring follows training to support the introduction of the techniques into their own practice. The mentor and trainee perform a number of cases together, where the collaboration allows the HCP to consolidate their skills and further refine their technique.

What does this mean for the nurse or assistant?

Our Laboratory learning events crucially include the assistants in attendance, who receive combined and separate one-to-one assistant-led training. Our Clinical Nurse Advisors provide training on the important role the assistants play in procedures; focusing on preparation, setting up the devices and assisting physicians and surgeons to operate the device during the procedure.

We train assistants alongside their physicians or surgeons. The training is continued at the HCP’s site with further hands-on training for assistants in their own work environment and also allowing others from the hospital to learn from those who attended the training.

To find out more about our Pioneer Clinical Education Programme, please contact us