
H-SteriScopeSingle-use Bronchoscope

The H-SteriScope series of single use bronchoscopes are designed to prioritise patient safety and procedural efficiency, with a feature set aimed at minimising risks and optimising control for medical practitioners. With a commitment to infection prevention, the H-SteriScope series eleviates concerns of cross-contamination, ensuring the utmost safety for patients undergoing bronchoscopic procedures.  

Product Features

  • No Cross-Contamination
  • Wider angulation 
  • Rotation 
  • Passive bending
  • Cost effective

Further details

  • Wider angulation:
    Up and down angulation ranges of 210º support smoother insertion into the bronchial lobes. 
  • Rotation:
    The insertion tube can be rotated left or right up to 90º by simply turning a ring on the control section of the scope. This improves the ease of operator control. 
  • Passive bending:
    When the scope meets with resistance, the pressure is redistributed so that the insertion tube automatically bends to adjust to the contours of the bronchial tree, potentially decreasing patient discomfort and aiding intubation and scope insertion. 
  • Cost effective:
    No repair or reprocessing costs, which significantly reduces the overall costs when considering against reusable scopes that require maintenance and servicing contracts. 
  • The SteriScope digital video monitor is a portable, user-friendly solution for bronchoscopy, offering 6 hours of battery life, image and video recording capabilities, voice recording for in-procedure narration, and an intuitive 'plug and play' design, enabling bronchoscopic procedures anywhere in the hospital. 

  • The Digital Video Processor, a versatile system console, displays, records, and prints endoscopic images, featuring Color Feature Separate (CFS) mode for precise vascular imaging, storage options with memory cards and USB connection, and high-resolution capabilities for live external monitor display.  

H-SteriScope Single Use Bronchoscopes

Product CodeDescriptionMax OD (mm)Max ID (mm)
BCV1-KS3-LH-Steriscope IP4.02.0Add to enquiry
BCV1-02H Steriscope Zero 2.20Add to enquiry
BCV1-C2 H Steriscope Slim 3.21.2Add to enquiry
BCV1-M2 H Steriscope Normal 4.92.2Add to enquiry
BCV1-S2 H Steriscope Large 5.82.8Add to enquiry
BCV1-W2 H Steriscope Extra 6.23.2Add to enquiry
DVM-B1Digital Video Monitor Add to enquiry
DVP-A1Vision Centre Steriscope Video ProcessorAdd to enquiry

Find out more about our H-SteriScope product range